
Thank you for visiting kamakurainfo.net.

On our site, we introduce tourist spots and photo spots in Kanagawa Prefecture, mainly in Kamakura’s shrines, temples, and Shōnan area. We strive to provide useful information for those who are planning to visit this wonderful area or those who want to know more about the local area.


North Kamakura Area Northeast area of Kamakura
Kita-Kamakura, the entrance to Kamakura, is an area with temples deeply connected to Kamakura’s history, including Engaku-ji Temple.

Engaku-ji 円覚寺
Tōkei-ji 東慶寺
Meigetsu-in 明月院
Kenchō-ji 建長寺

Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine is located at the center of Kamakura’s tourist spots and is a must-visit for tourists.

Tsurugaoka Hachimangu 鶴岡八幡宮
Hōkoku-ji 報国寺
Jōmyō-ji 浄妙寺
Sugimoto-dera 杉本寺
Zuisen-ji 瑞泉寺
Kakuon-ji 覚園寺

Northwest area of Kamakura Southeast area of Kamakura
There are unique shrines such as Zeniarai Benten Shrine and Sasuke Inari Shrine. Kaizoji Temple is also famous as a flower temple.

Zeniarai Benzaiten銭洗弁財天
 Sasuke Inari Shrine 佐助稲荷神社
Kaizo-ji 海蔵寺

As it is an area with few tourists, you can enjoy a quiet sightseeing experience. You can also enjoy hiking to Mt. Kinuhari.

Kōmyō-ji 光明寺
Ankokuron-ji 安国論寺
Chōshō-ji 長勝寺
Myōhō–ji 妙法寺
Hongaku-ji 本覚寺
Jōgyō-ji 上行寺
Yakumo Shrine 八雲神社

Southwest area of Kamakura Enoshima area
Kamakura’s Great Buddha and Hase-dera Temple are popular tourist areas. Inamuragasaki and Shichirigahama have become popular photo spots in recent years.
Kōtoku-in 高徳院
Hase-dera 長谷寺
Goryo Shrine 御霊神社
Gokuraku-ji 極楽寺
Inamuragasaki 稲村ヶ崎
Shichirigahama 七里ヶ浜海岸
Enoshima is a tourist destination that attracts over 10 million visitors annually. There are also many attractive temples in the surrounding area.
Enoshima 江の島
Ryūkō-ji 龍口寺
Jōryū-ji 常立寺


Major Events and Festivals in Kamakura and Shonan Area in June 2024

Kuzuharaoka Shrine Festival 葛原岡神社例祭
June 1, 2, 3
[Details] http://www.kuzuharaoka.jp/

・Gosho Shrine Festival 五所神社例大祭
June 8, 9, 11
[Details] https://www.kamakura-zaimokuza.jp/news013.html


・Accommodations near Kamakura Station

How to use Kamakurainfo.net effectively

By following the instructions below on your smartphone or tablet PC, you can smoothly tour local tourist spots.

1. First, open the page of the shrine or temple you want to visit from the area list on the top page or from the menu bar.

2. On the opened page, check the access method and time (by foot) from the nearest station.

3. Shrines, temples, art galleries, museums, etc. have visiting hours. Check the hours.

4. From Google Maps, select “View larger map” -> “Directions” -> enter “Current location” to confirm the route.

5. You can check the nearest tourist spots from “Nearby Shrines, Temples, and Other Sights”

6. If you want to eat or take a break at a cafe or restaurant, you can check it on the “Cafes and Restaurants in the Area” Google map.